
Congratulations Dareydy Rojas, 2021 Youth of the Year

“The Boys & Girls Club of Napa Valley is proud to recognize Dareydy Rojas as our 2021 Youth of the Year,” said Greg Bouillerce, Executive Director of the Club. Youth of the Year is Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s premier youth recognition program. The Program celebrates local youth and their extraordinary achievements as Club members. One local youth, in this case Dareydy, then moves on to the next round to compete on a state, a regional, and then a national scale; with the overall winner rising to the role of National Youth of the Year. Youths of the Year are exemplary ambassadors who not only speak as the voice of Club youth everywhere, but also represent all young people nationally. Dareydy, along with fellow candidates Jahir Molina and Rudolph Barragan, had been members of the Club since elementary school, with one starting at 6 years old in first grade. “These youth embody the values of leadership, service, academic excellence, and healthy lifestyles,” continued Bouillerce. “They exemplify the critical impact of Boys & Girls Clubs on the lives of young people.”
The judges who serve in selecting the Youth of the Year are prominent members of the Napa county community who support the efforts serving Napa Valley youth in the club and who believe in our mission. This years panel included Micki Hambro, Friendly Fortuna Family Foundation, Jeather Keffer of Coles Chop House, Brett DeLeuze of ZD Wines, Claire Stull of Stull Family Foundation, and Elaine Jones of Jones Family Vineyards. The candidates go through a rigorous application process after being nominated by staff including interviews by our panel of judges and speeches on their story and how the club has supported them into their young adulthood. “It was an exceedingly difficult decision for the judges to make as all our candidates were highly qualified and have acted as outspoken ambassadors for the club for years. I didn’t envy them!” said Jaime Gallegos, Area Director of BGCNV and M.C. for the evening Zoom event.
All finalists will receive scholarships towards their next steps in higher education. Dareydy Rojas will move into Northern California competition for a chance to move onto the state championships.

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